The Sanford Consortium is a multi-disciplinary and collaborative community of scientists who share the goal to harness the potential of stem cells for the treatment and cure of human diseases.

Our Purpose
...to catalyze multi-disciplinary collaborations to lead to the development of new research tools, diagnostics, therapies and cures.
Recruit and train a new generation of collaborative scientists
Engage, inform and educate the public about goals and progress.
Our Vision
As a result of the extraordinary growth in the body of scientific knowledge, life scientists have had to focus, to compromise breadth for depth of understanding of narrow, specific disciplines. Complex biological problems, however, raise questions that span disciplines. Therefore, finding solutions to complex problems requires that scientists collaborate...
because no one is as smart as all of us

News & Awards

Brian Aguado, PhD
Brian Aguado, PhD awarded the Society for BioMaterials DEI Award

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Award recognizes individuals or organizations promoting anti-racism and or creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for historically excluded groups in the STEM disciplines, especially in the field of biomaterials. This award was created to acknowledge the need to address systemic racism and other biases including ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, dis/ability, socioeconomic class, language, culture, and national identity.
In February 2019, Brian Aguado, PhD and Ana Maria Porras, PhD co-founded LatinXinBME to build a diverse and welcoming virtual community of Latinx researchers in biomedical engineering (BME). We leverage digital tools and community mentoring approaches to support our members and to build safe spaces in academia, with the aim to diversify the academic workforce in STEM. Read more here
“LatinXinBME established the first online support community for Latinx biomedical engineers. This innovative new platform provided a support structure for this historically excluded group, tools for career development, and campaigns to increase visibility of Latinx scientists. The impact of this virtual program has been incredible, and they were asked to provide a template for other communities.”
Calendar of Events
- Mon, Feb 10Divisible Conference Rooms 1013A/B