The Sanford Consortium
The Sanford Consortium is an independent California not-for-profit public benefit corporation exempt from income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and Section 23701d of the California Revenue and Taxation Code.
Sanford was founded in March 2006 as the San Diego Consortium for Regenerative Medicine by its Collaborating Organizations including the Burnham Biomedical Research Institute (subsequently renamed the Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute), the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, Scripps Research and UC San Diego to plan, permit, finance, construct and thereafter operate a new research facility ("Collaboratory") to enable and expand collaborative stem cell research and to translate discoveries into clinical therapies and imagine the possibilities and accelerate solutions. In October 2011, the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology became the fifth Collaborating Organization .
In September 2008, philanthropist T. Denny Sanford of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, announced an extraordinary donation of $30 million. In recognition of this donation, the organization was renamed the Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine.
With benefit of Mr. Sanford's gift in 2009 Sanford was awarded a $43 million grant by the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine awarded, that Sanford used to fund construction of the Collaboratory, which was completed and certified for occupany in 2012.
Sanford's is governed by a Board of Directors and operated by a Management Team
imagine the possibilities

accelerate the solutions
Collaborating Organizations
The Sanford Consortium marshalls the intellectual resources of five world leaders in life sciences research. Each of the Collaborating Organizations has substantive complementaryu research strengths that combined create a synergistic research enterprise , the whole of which is substantially greater than the sum of its parts. The Collaboratory has served as a focal point for stem cell science and has catalyze increased collaboration among the stem cell research community.
The Collaboratory
Anecdotal as well as a growing body of empirical evidence suggest that productive collaborative relationships are served best by face to face itnteractions...that is "distance matters"!
The purpose built Collaboratory's spectacular location is nearly equidistant from each of the Collaboratint Organizatios amidst the large, thriving and interactive community of research institutes, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies on the Torrey Pines Science Mesa in La Jolla, California.
The Colalboratory includes innovative architectural elements to drive productive scientific collaborations including physical spaces designed create opportunities for scientists to 'collide' and interact both informally and formally. Moreove, different, distinctly styled and furnished collaboration spaces enable and facilitate 'safe' team meetings as well as assertive independent thinking free form brainstorming sessions.

West Facade @ Sunset

Duane Roth Auditorium

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West Facade @ Sunset